Blackpool Sands
One of the loveliest seascapes in the world
From merchant traders to train stations where the train never arrives – the history of the Newman family and Blackpool Sands.
Lost in the sands .....
Blackpool sands is a privately owned and managed blue flag family beach in a stunning pocket of South Devon, near Dartmouth. It has been in the Newman family for many years and its history can easily be traced back to the 1500s when they were one of Dartmouth’s most highly esteemed merchant traders.
At a time when Dartmouth was a renowned shipping port, and when everything moved around on boats, the family was already well established. In 1797, the gallant Richard Newman decided Dartmouth was getting a little too crowded and bought the, at that time unnamed, land around Blackpool Sands, including the beach and Blackpool House. From this time onwards, Blackpool Sands became the holiday residence of the Newman family.
As with many trades, a combination of the industrial revolution and the two world wars changed both the shipping industry and the family business for ever. After the war Sir Ralph Newman was running a wine merchants on St James’ street in London with his wife Anne. They resumed their holidays, which had stopped during the war years, to Blackpool Sands with their four young children, Geoffrey, Louisa, Richard and Zabien.

Dartmouth railway station was a booking office for train tickets located on the quayside of Dartmouth. It was used to book through tickets to and from Dartmouth, accessing trains by travelling on the Dartmouth Passenger Ferry to Kingswear railway station on the opposite bank of the River Dart.
The Family Holidays.
Sir Geoffrey recalls, “There was a sense of panic in the air every time my parents prepared for the trip to our summer residence. It was like a house move.” He and Louisa remember how they caught the steam train at Paddington direct to Kingswear, where they crossed the River Dart by ferry to the Dartmouth train station where a little man with round glasses, adorned in the traditional ticket master clothing, stamped their tickets. “It was the only train station in the country which had no trains arriving or departing from it!”. The family was then driven from Dartmouth to Blackpool Sands. The trip would take the best part of a day and would be a real adventure.
When Louisa a toddler the family moved to reside permanently at Blackpool House. Louisa reminisces how, as little children, they were often left to their own devices and played happily on the beach, entertaining themselves crabbing, fishing and, when accompanied, on boats. They ‘lived on a diet of fish and winkles’.
The beach was opened up to the public and enterprising, hardworking Anne Newman opened ‘The Venus Tea Hut’, a small wooden hut selling tea and ice creams from neighbour Mr Mesney. Shortly afterwards, Anne started selling home grown vegetables, homemade marmalade and knitted bobble hats from a second hand summerhouse.
Today, the Venus Company has a shop, café and takeaway which shares the same philosophy of serving the best, organically made, locally sourced ingredients with many of its dishes coming from the nearby land or sea. The company’s philosophy is best summed up by their strapline ‘Loving the Beach’ and they are keen to support and help develop sustainability in the regional economy through enterprise and innovation.
The Newman family maintain their mission to keep the beach as natural and perfect as it has always been and supports the marine industry in many different ways. “As children, we adored our wonderful holidays at Blackpool Sands. We want everyone to experience it in the same way as we did, and still do!”

Life's a beach!
How did we end up here?
Well, what happened was….
Sir Geoffrey was looking for someone to be the overnight security during the Summer….we were looking for somewhere cheaper to stay so we could save for our trip….so it was perfect for everyone.
The only concern was no dogs on the beach during the Summer…and we have a dog. So Zeus became a Security dog for the Summer….not allowed on the beach, he patrolled round the entrance and car park with us…becoming very efficient at warning of incoming dogs.
And now ......
We planned to leave end of September/beginning of October but in the current crisis that was delayed until end of October … then France closed ….. then UK closed so getting towards the end of November and we are still on the beach.
It’s a beautiful setting, we have had an amazing time … albeit longer than expected. We have met some lovely … and not so lovely … people along the way and made a great many new friends, helped greatly by Zeus.
Roll on the next stage …..

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