Murighiol To Piatra Craiului Mountains, Eastern Romania, April 2023

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This week we explore Eastern Romania, see lots of wells, walk on a mud volcano, and get stuck in traffic in Bucharest

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The Detail:

Distance Covered: 452 miles

Financial: Fuel £66; LPG £11; Site Fees £53; Groceries £106; Household £16; Alcohol £11; Zeus £16; Entrance Fees £3; Personal £8; Eating Out £10; Total £300

Stopovers: Murighiol; Harsova; Paclele; Bucharest; Golesti Weir; Piatra Craiuluyi Mountains [2 nights]


Time to leave Camping Delta after a few days chilling, sad to go as so relaxing there but also excited to be continuing our journey.
Because the South Eastern part of Romania is flat and fertile it’s heavily farmed as you would expect. In terms of things to see and do there isn’t much.
Nevertheless, it was a pleasant drive, even if there isn’t much to report. We did find lots of wells of various designs in the villages.
We also passed through a town called Tandarei. Notable because of the magnificent villas there. Turns out these belong to Roma gangsters and most were built with illegally obtained benefit money from the UK. Typing in the name of the village into Google and scrolling through the articles make interesting reading, Some journalists have labelled it the Beverley Hills of gypsy gangsters.
We finished the day at what looks like a disused quarry close to Harsova. We parked right on the banks of the Danube, close to a rock formation known as Santa and Baba.
We have a lovely view over the river, but unfortunately behind us, the old quarry has been used for fly-tipping and is a bit grim.
On the plus side, we did see a female water snake waiting for her admirers and a couple of tortoises while walking Zeus. And it was lovely to watch the barges chugging along.
Farmland of Romania
Vulcanii Noroioși Pâclele Mici, Romania

Vulcanii Noroioși Pâclele

Near to the small village of Paclele are several sites where you can see the unusual Natural phenomenon of mud volcanos.
If you want to read more then please see the separate post here.
We took some time out to try to work out the best route through Romania so that we can see as much as possible without keeping going over the same ground. I even resorted to using a route planner to help me.
Finally, I think we have a broad outline of the route we will take. First stop Bucharest. 
But before we hit the road we headed over to the other mud volcano site nearby. Vulcanii Noroioși Pâclele Mari. This is actually a slightly bigger site, with larger, but fewer, ” volcanos”. This is the more popular of the two, and is better presented with safety and scientific information. It is also extremely busy, with coach loads of school children constantly coming and going.
From there we drove to the outskirts of Bucharest where we are parked up in a woodland park ready to head into the city tomorrow.


Bucharest, capital city of Romania. Full of life, art, culture and ……. traffic.
We visited the Old Town, Palace of the Parliament and drove by the Acrul de Triumf.
If you would like to read more please see the separate post here.

Piatra Craiului Mountains

From Bucharest the next stop is Transylvania and a change of scenery.
So we drove through the Piatra Craiului Mountains from Pitesti to Brasov on the E574.
And what a drive it was. It wasn’t a difficult drive, with very few hairpin bends and a good road most of the way. But the scenery was stunning.
The plan is to spend at least a few days exploring this area so we found a place to park up that we can use as a base.
What a gorgeous location it is. Right at the foot of the mountains with a burbling stream just in front of us.

Some menu highlights from this week

Click on the picture for further information. If you would like recipes or further information let me know in the comments

As before, There is so much more we saw and did that I haven’t included here – you’ll just have to go see it for yourself!

I haven’t gone into great detail about anything in particular in this post, so if you would like me to expand on anything please leave a comment and I will endeavor to write another separate post on the topic.

Happy Motorhoming.

Hope You Enjoy!

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