My Kitchen

An exercise in Simplicity

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The Facilities

We are travelling. Full stop.

What does that mean? Well, I don’t have access to all the cheffy toys for one thing. Nor do I have acres of space or unlimited resources in my kitchen. Instead I have a tiny fridge, a small oven, grill and hob, a low powered microwave and an induction hob. That’s it! And on top of that, I have to be very aware of how much gas and water I use. These can be hard to come by!

What am I trying to achieve as I travel around the world?

Well, I want to learn as much as I can about the local cultures and cuisines. Preparing meals using fresh ingredients sourced from local markets. Talking to local people about what they like to eat. What they prepare for their family and friends. Finding out about the regional specialties. Adapting them so that they can be prepared using the limited space and resources at my disposal in my kitchen.

The kitchen in our caravan
A Chef On Tour - Apple, Honey and Goats Cheese Crostini

The Recipes

Most of the recipes  have been, or will be, developed whilst on my travels. They are, by necessity, designed to be prepared in a small space with the limited cooking facilities and equipment in a caravan or motorhome. They are also designed with the need to conserve vital fuel and water supplies in mind as these can sometimes be hard to replenish, especially when wild camping.  

However, please bear in mind that this is not supposed to be a recipe site. It’s supposed to be more of a foodie travel blog. So, at least to begin with, the number of recipes will be fairly limited. I have included some basic recipes which form the basis of other dishes, but the majority of posts will be based around my travelling experiences. With time, of course, the list should be much fuller.

Why not have a look at my other sites....

Helping you save money on your everyday bills

Balancing finances isn’t easy. Often there doesn’t seem enough to go around, or there’s little left for the important things in life. 

We would all like a bit extra to spend on the things we want to do, and it’s possible with a bit of thrifty living. This site is packed with hints and tips to save money, allowing you to do more of what you want.

Answering p-mails the world over

An ex street dog from Cyprus, an ex-pub dog from Devon, ex ex-overnight security dog and now enjoying my time travelling with my mum and dad.

My hoomans and I explore the world in their big white box on wheels, although that work fing gets in the way sometimes. So far we have travelled mostly around Europe, but have also been to Morocco in Africa.

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“a lot of the trouble in the world would disappear if we were talking to each other instead of about each other.”