Spain (Part 2) Moncofar to Torrevieja

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This is the second in a series of posts about our travels around Spain. The first covered Errenteria to Artana and was our introduction to Spain. With Blue skies, misty mornings, hard frosts, high mountains, and stunning places.

Forever onwards we travelled from Moncofar to Torrevieja where we spent some time catching up with some dear friends. Along the way, we found some unique villages, fascinating geology, and more mountains. 

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The Detail:

See Errenteria to Artana for detailed information about our trip around Spain

This is the second in a series of four posts covering our time travelling around Spain in early 2022.

  • Errenteria to Artana
  • Moncofar to Torrevieja
  • Los Alcazares to Cabo de Palos (to follow)
  • Las Orres de Cotillas to La Palma del Candade including Gibraltar (to follow)

Spanish Sundays

Note to self. Do not visit quaint white-washed villages on a Sunday. Everyone local goes out to eat in these cute villages.

Very narrow roads with cars abandoned everywhere. So we drove on.

Caution Flooding

Lunch stop overs were sometimes interesting – the strangest was on a flood plain under a dam where picnic benches were chained to the ground so in a flood they stayed in place (maybe!)


Stopped at Benagebar. Stunning dam with a drain that we are sure has been in films – beautiful setting before stopping overnight at a delightful motorhome spot just outside another quiet village.

The Grand(ish) Canyon

El Canon del Talayielos was a lunch/walk stop. Spain’s answer to the Grand Canyon – a lot smaller but really worth a visit.

Alcala Del Jucar

Stopping at Alcala del Jucar was spectacular. A fun road down and the actual village was built up the wall of a gorge. Delightful fake beach along the river there. Suspect a popular place on a Sunday for lunch,


Following a recommendation from Mandy and David, we stopped at Chinchilla – a large dedicated motorhome stop which is probably packed in the Summer months with a free secure dog area next door which Zeus loved. Well worth a visit to explore the narrow streets.


Salinas has a newly finished motorhome area run by a Dutch couple. We stopped here to do some washing and recharge Lottie’s batteries. Very pleasant walking around the almond tree orchards and a small, well run site.


Our first big town/city was Torreveija. Not our usual stop but with dear friends there and having holidayed there in the past it was lovely to renew our acquaintances with the area – especially as there was major flooding when we last visited.

We stopped for two nights in a motorhome car park. Not pretty but a minute from the beach and the hosts were truly lovely with nothing being too much trouble.

Hopefully, in time it can become a motorhome park rather than just a car park.

As before, There is so much more we saw and did that I haven’t included here – you’ll just have to go see it for yourself!

Next post Los Acazares to Cabo de Palos

I haven’t gone into great detail about anything in particular in this post, so if you would like me to expand on anything please leave a comment and I will endeavor to write another separate post on the topic.

Happy Motorhoming.

Hope You Enjoy!

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