Touring Cook

A Chef On Tour

My culinary experiences whilst travelling the world

Welcome to my travel blog – A Chef On Tour.

The original intention was to talk about the people I meet, local seasonal produce, and local specialties as I travel. Oh, and write a few recipes.

However, because we never seem to settle in one place very long, getting to know the locals has proven more challenging than I originally thought. So this has become more of a personal diary of our travels.

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A Chef On Tour

Having taken some time out after leaving our pub we decided now was the right time for us to go travelling and see as much of the world as we possibly can before we are too old to appreciate it!

So we bought a caravan and prepared to set off into the sunset …….. until COVID19 stuck a great big oar into our plans and we ended up spending the summer of 2020 on the beach at Blackpool Sands in South Devon. There are definitely worse places we could have got stuck!

There begins my journey and this blog follows my travels on my culinary adventure. Travelling with me is my lovely wife Carol and our gorgeous dog Zeus who has his own blog about his adventures as he travels with us.

About Me

I am a semi-retired chef now travelling the world on a mission to make up for lost time, to see and do as much as I can.

In my early years I drifted between jobs until I eventually settled as a microbiology technician in a diagnostic laboratory……..

A Chef On Tour - Doctor who?


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Helping you save money on your everyday bills

Balancing finances isn’t easy. Often there doesn’t seem enough to go around, or there’s little left for the important things in life. 

We would all like a bit extra to spend on the things we want to do, and it’s possible with a bit of thrifty living. This site is packed with hints and tips to save money, allowing you to do more of what you want.

Answering p-mails the world over

An ex street dog from Cyprus, an ex-pub dog from Devon, ex ex-overnight security dog and now enjoying my time travelling with my mum and dad.

My hoomans and I explore the world in their big white box on wheels, although that work fing gets in the way sometimes. So far we have travelled mostly around Europe, but have also been to Morocco in Africa.

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“A lot of the trouble in the world would disappear if we were talking to each other instead of about each other.”